Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Euphronios Krater


Euphronios_krater ASarpedon’s body carried by Hypnos and Thanatos (Sleep and Death), while Hermes watches. Side A of the so-called “Euphronios krater”, Attic red-figured calyx-krater signed by Euxitheos (potter) and Euphronios (painter), ca. 515 BC. H. 45.7 cm (18 in.); D. 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.). Formerly in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (L.2006.10); Returned to Italy and exhibited in Rome as of January, 2008.

Euphronios_krater BAthenian youths arming themselves. Side B of the so-called “Euphronios krater”, Attic red-figured calyx-krater signed by Euxitheos (potter) and Euphronios (painter), ca. 515 BC. H. 45.7 cm (18 in.); D. 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


The vase was repatriated to Italy under an agreement negotiated in February 2006, and is now in the collection of the National Etruscan Museum, in the Villa Giulia in Rome

We copy this pot in Natural Size, Height 45.7 cm (18 in.) and Diameter 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.), and smaller sizes,

In Athens Greece