Sunday, June 16, 2013

Muse playing the lyre.

Artist: Achilles Painter
Muse playing the lyre. The rock on which she is seated bears the inscription ΗΛΙΚΟΝ / Hēlikon. Attic white-ground lekythos, 440–430 BC.
We copy this ceramic at the original Height of 36 cm and smaller Sizes
In Athens, Greece.

Exekias, Dionysos Kylix

Type A kylix



Dionysos in a ship, sailing among dolphins. Attic black-figure kylix, ca. 530 BC. From Vulci.

circa 530 BC

black-figure ceramic

Height: 13.6 cm (5.4 in). Diameter: 30.5 cm (12 in).

Read more at WIKIPEDIA

Dionysos n2[1]Donysus Signature_ExekiasSignature on the reserved foot profile: ΕΧΣΕΚΙΑΣ ΕΠΟΕΣΕ [Exekias made it]

Dionysus_Crossing_the_Sea[1] (2)A Reproduction in Paper.

Exekias, Dionysos Kylix, c. 530 B.C.E.

We copy this Vase in the original Diameter of 30.5 cm (12 in). and in smaller sizes 12, 16, 20 and 24 cm

In Athens, Greece

Pronomos Painter's name vase

Attic red-figure

Pronomos 360[1]A 360 view of the Pronomos Painter’s volute-krater.

Museum: Naples, Museo Nazionale Archeologico.

Size:  75 cm

Function: convivial, display.

Technique: red-figure with added white paint, dilute washes.

Style: 'ornate'


Subject/s: A. In the presence of Ariadne and Dionysos, reclining on a Kline with a small winged Himeros… Read more at Beasley's

pronomos_vase[2]Detail: 'Herakles' talks to 'Papposilenos' – Pappa Satyr .

We reproduce this Pottery at Height of 30 cm and at the natural Height of 75 cm.

A 3D reproduction based on the Pronomos’s Vase scene

Apollo of Delphi


Attic white-ground kylix.Apollo Delphi[1]Apollo DelphiApollo wearing a laurel or myrtle wreath, a white peplos and a red himation and sandals, seating on a lion-pawed diphros; he holds a kithara in his left hand and pours a libation with his right hand… See more at Wikipedia

We copy this ceramic at sizes of Diam. 12, 16, 20 and 24cm.

In Athens.

Apollo was the God of Music for ancient Greece

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Attic black-figure amphora made by Exekias

Place of discovery: Vulci, Lazio.
circa 540-530 BC.
Ceramic, type A amphora
height cm 61.1; diameter mouth cm 27.8

gamesThis famous amphora, signed by Ezekias both as potter and painter, bears the illustration of an episode foreign to the tradition of the poems of Homer: Achilles and Ajax in armor intent on playing with dice or the game of morra, according to an old interpretation. The amphora is one of the most refined products of the black-figure style, with details and decorations of the clothes engraved with calligraphic care. With the typical solemnity of his style, the painter snatches the moment when the two heroes, having temporarily laid down their arms during the long siege of Troy, devote themselves to play. Achilles and Ajax, indicated by the inscriptions, seated on low supports, lean towards a pedestal, stretching out their right arms, to read the points gained in the game, respectively four and three, as specified by the inscriptions that seem to emerge cartoon-like from their mouths.


A Video showing the original Attic Amphora of Ezekias at Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Sala XIX


On the second panel are the Dioskouroi (Sons of Zeus), Castor with his horse Kyllaros, Pollux and their parents Tyndareus and Leda.


We copy this vase at heights of 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm and natural height of 61.1 cm.

In Athens Greece.

The Euphronios Krater


Euphronios_krater ASarpedon’s body carried by Hypnos and Thanatos (Sleep and Death), while Hermes watches. Side A of the so-called “Euphronios krater”, Attic red-figured calyx-krater signed by Euxitheos (potter) and Euphronios (painter), ca. 515 BC. H. 45.7 cm (18 in.); D. 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.). Formerly in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (L.2006.10); Returned to Italy and exhibited in Rome as of January, 2008.

Euphronios_krater BAthenian youths arming themselves. Side B of the so-called “Euphronios krater”, Attic red-figured calyx-krater signed by Euxitheos (potter) and Euphronios (painter), ca. 515 BC. H. 45.7 cm (18 in.); D. 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


The vase was repatriated to Italy under an agreement negotiated in February 2006, and is now in the collection of the National Etruscan Museum, in the Villa Giulia in Rome

We copy this pot in Natural Size, Height 45.7 cm (18 in.) and Diameter 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.), and smaller sizes,

In Athens Greece